For more information on any of the below class options, click here.


Adults – Division 1 (Ages 18 – 40)

College and Career | David Weston

This is a place to find community, study God’s Word, and grow in your relationship with the Lord. We are for college students and those that are college age. Invite a friend and join us on Sunday!

Crossroads | Ted and Glenda McComber 

Young marrieds, engaged, or seriously dating in their 20’s and 30’s who want to grow in Christ, do life, and have fun together. Discussion-based Biblical teaching focuses on building strong relationships for strong homes (Prov. 24:3-4).

Foundations | Peter Richards

We are a group of couples (some with kids and some without) that are committed to bringing genuine community through Biblical discussion and Christ-centered connections. Our aim is to grow closer to Christ and build lasting relationships both in and out of the church. 

Thrive | Drey Clark

A class specifically designed for young people ages 20 – 30 desiring real community with people their age, a deeper understanding of God’s Word, and true discipleship as they navigate life choices.

Home and Family | Jack Golden and Kelli Tate

We are a group of families in our 30’s and 40’s with kids ranging from newborns to high schoolers.  We spend time together studying the Word of God and engaging in fellowship. We accomplish this goal through Sunday morning Bible study, men’s and women’s discipleship groups, missional service, and family fellowship.


Adults – Division 2 (Ages 40 – 60)

The Bullpen | Men | Andy Counts

We are a small group of men who gather weekly for prayer and Bible study.

Community | Mark and Dedra Hogue 

A class for both singles and couples in their 40’s with or without school aged children. Our goal is to build commUNITY through lots of discussion over the study of God’s Word and time spent together in and out of church. We are passionate about teaching God’s Word in engaging and life changing ways.

Connect Class| Rick Baker, Mike and Kelli Lawrence, and Kirk Mann

Our gospel-centered Life Group is devoted to glorifying God through the vitality of the family. We pray together, learn together, care for one another, play together, collectively engage our communities, and simply walk through life together as family.

Single Friends | Singles |Jan Robinson

We are a group of single adults who are dedicated to studying God’s Word as we walk through life together.  We actively support one another as we love and serve our community.  Our class welcomes you as we grow, encourage, pray and fellowship alongside each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Friends & Followers | Bo Jackson

Adults in their 50’s - 60’s who meet for Bible Study, fellowship, and fun. Come join a group of friends who encourage one another to follow Jesus. Our Life Group members actively support each other in prayer, and we participate in Missions, Discipleship, and Fun Come join us.

Soul Sisters | Ladies | Lori Coates

We are a multi-generational group of women who shape our lives around the teachings of Titus 2. 

The Table | JD and Michelle Hiller

We represent various ages, life stages and backgrounds – and welcome anyone who wants to combine their faith and works through weekly study and monthly outreach.


Adults – Division 3 (Ages 60 and up)

Faith Riders | Men | Charles Martin

Our group of men explores the Bible and then apply its truth to our everyday lives. We believe every man is without hope apart from the saving grace of God. But with God, we have hope beyond our circumstances and our past. He has made us new creations.

Joyful Connection | Benton Kelley

We are a group of people who care for one another while we are growing in our knowledge and understanding of God and His love for us.

Lott’s Class | Chris Lott

We love to pray and study the Bible together and meet regularly outside the church for fellowship and serving the community. The way we serve others is by looking after our church’s “Mission House”, serving in our church’s ESL (English as a Second Language) program, “International Friends at Grapevine”, helping with needs at Union Gospel Ministry and various other areas of service. This gives us the opportunity to love and serve the neighbors nearby and in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area. We are a warm and welcoming Biblical community that really looks after each other.

Cornerstone | Calvin Vande Zande

We are committed to growing in our love for God, His Word, our relationship to one another and His world.

Forever Young | Gary Harvey, Fred Neeley, and Wanda Willeford

Celebrate this season of life. It’s “Primetime!” You are warmly invited to join an active group of seniors. We endeavor to experience and share the richness and fullness of our lives in Christ. We encourage and strengthen our members with interactive Bible study, prayer, great fellowship, exciting events, and service. You’ll connect quickly…and have fun!

Spirit Class | Women | Connie Briscoe and Charlotte Vande Zande  

We are a group of compassionate and caring women who are learning more about our Lord one verse at a time. As we grow in our understanding of God, we grow in our understanding of who we are and how we are to live in God’s Kingdom.

The Thomas Swann Class | Tom Bell

We care about learning the Bible, serving Christ, and praying for each other.


Adults – Non-English Classes (All Ages)

La Mesa (Grupo Vida en español) | Toda las edades | Gabriel Nunes and Gabriela Granja

No importa en qué etapa de tu viaje de fe te encuentres – ya sea que estés buscando crecer en tu relación con Dios o aún explorando lo que significa vivir una vida con Jesús, ¡queremos caminar junto a ti! Queremos vivir como una familia de siervos misioneros, haciendo del Evangelio el centro de nuestras vidas. ¡Acompáñanos el próximo domingo!

Mesa para Dos  (Grupo Vida en español) | Matrimonios | Nancy y Mark Summers 

Nos encantaría invitarte a nuestro grupo de estudio bíblico enfocado en parejas. Creemos firmemente que la familia es un pilar fundamental para Dios y que la relación de pareja es esencial para la estabilidad del hogar. Nuestro objetivo es formar una comunidad donde nos apoyemos mutuamente para crecer y convertirnos en matrimonios que reflejen el propósito de Dios desde el principio. ¡Ven y sé parte todos los domingos!