A Going Church

Do you feel called to serve through missions? Click here to find out more!



Rest Station

Main Street Fest Rest Station – Two times a year, all of Grapevine gathers at our doorstep and it is a wonderful opportunity for us to minister in our community. Main Street Fest is May 17-19, and we need your help passing out cold water bottles and hosting people at The Post. Click here to volunteer!


Upcoming Mission Trips - Slide

Have you considered joining one of our short-term mission trips happening this year? Click here to receive more information and to join what God is doing in the US and around the world!


PickleBall (1920 x 1080 px)

For more information, click here!



Hello GRACE Volunteers!

We are moving to a new online signup!

This signup covers our Donation Station, GRACEful Buys in Grapevine and Euless, and the GRACE Food Pantry.

You can access the new sign up by clicking the link below:

GRACE Volunteer Opportunities February-May 2024



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